What is The Tome Tavern?

The Tome Tavern is a curated book review site with a focus on indie fantasy and science fiction books. I feel as though indie books are the lifeblood of the industry. Often times these books get overlooked. The Tome Tavern is essentially a speakeasy for the indie book community. I’m aware that the term “Indie” has a very wide interpretation. To be clear, many of the books that I review are from smaller publishers and/or self published authors.

The Tome Tavern is a place where people can stop in to check out what’s new and who knows, maybe discover a hidden gem. I plan to add and improve the site over time.

About Me

I was the owner/operator of a small book review site called Roasted Book Reviews. I have a passion for reading and a fondness for traveling the road less traveled. Welcome to my virtual book review speakeasy! What are you reading? I’d love to hear from you. Head over to the contact section and leave me a message. Cheers!